Advent Devotional Available for Purchase

Before we know it, the Advent season will be upon us, a time set aside for preparing and waiting as Christmas approaches.

 A resource that can help us in our daily faith journey comes from the Stillspeaking Writers’ Group and is titled, Watch: Advent 2017 Devotional , and promises us reflections for our Advent journey that will challenge as well as enlighten.

Entries begin Sunday, December 3 and end on Christmas day, so you get a whole season of unique devotions.

With an order of five or more devotionals, cost is $5.00 each.  (This is a saving of $1.50 off a single copy.)  A sign-up sheet will be placed in the main entryway beginning November 1 or reserve a copy by contacting Pastor Mary Beth at or 393-2400.  Copies must be reserved by Sunday, November 19.