After nearly a year of discovery, learning, discernment and prayer, the Welcoming/Open and Affirming Task Force (Cathy Evers – chair, Mark Buck, Susan Hodin, Alicia Lander, Mike Slagenweit-Coffman, Stephanie Rosendale, Reta Saylor and Pastor Mary Beth )has written our Welcoming Covenant for Hope United Church of Christ.  In March, our church Council unanimously voted in favor of the covenant.  In April approximately 1/3 of those who regularly attend worship were polled in regards to their support or non-support of the covenant; more than 90% were in favor of the covenant.


Our church Council has called for a congregational meeting for Sunday, May 22, immediately following worship in order to vote on this Welcoming Covenant.  Voting in favor of the covenant will allow Hope United Church of Christ to officially designate itself as an Open and Affirming church of the United Church of Christ.


Welcoming Covenant

As a congregation within the United Church of Christ that is Open and Affirming, Hope United Church of Christ seeks to spread the message of God’s abiding love and extravagant welcome, so no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.  We commit ourselves to honor and warmly welcome EVERYONE: people of any race, ethnicity, creed, economic or social status, age, gender, marital status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, faith background, religious training and family structure;  striving to create an environment of purposeful inclusion, where all can feel safe, valued, respected and nurtured.

Simply put:  Jesus accepted and affirmed ALL people.  So do we!