Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a day that is set aside to honor the men in our lives that have been and are making a difference because of their care, concern, leadership, love and support. It is a day that some may find difficult as they mourn the loss of their parent or grieve because they have not been able to be the father they imagined. It is a day that can hold emotions of joy and sadness. It is a day that reminds us that families are unique and diverse in many ways.


The Man Who Inspired Father’s Day Was a Single Dad and a Civil War Vet

According to https://www.history.com/, “William Jackson Smart was a twice-married, twice-widowed Civil War veteran and father of 14 children, one of whom dedicated her life to the creation of Father’s Day in honor of her devoted and selfless dad.

The story goes that William’s daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd, was attending one of the first official Mother’s Day services in 1909 at her church in Spokane, Washington, when she had an epiphany-if mothers deserved a day in honor of their loving service, why not fathers?” Go to: https://www.history.com/…/man-who-inspired-fathersday-civil-war-vet- single-dad to read the entire story.